Sunday, September 16, 2007

Last Ditch Slalom Results

Look at that posture! I think this is the first picture of me
in a race where I am leaning forward aggressively.

Last race of the year. I have been racing for 5 months now, and I got in a C1 for the first time only 4 months ago. I did 5 races this summer, and trained on the water for over 100 hours. My first season has come to a close.

I came to the Wolf River wanting tangible proof of my progress. I wanted to win, but more importantly, I wanted to feel like I am becoming an athlete again.

The race went well. There were no magic moments -- no runs where suddenly I could access my full potential and nailed every move. But I'm not sure I want that kind of progress. I am getting better, slowly, and there is plenty of room to grow. I can feel potential, buzzing below the surface. I want it, badly. But there aren't any shortcuts.

I won C1W and K1W rec. It felt good to beat women who'd be beating me all summer. I actually raced. And I renewed my drive and motivation for a long fall and winter's worth of training.

Most importantly, I took home a golden cow! This is the Buttercup Slalom Series, after all. I had a great time at all of the races in this series this summer. I met wonderful, supportive, and hilarious people. I borrowed C1s, K1s, C2s, and open canoes to race in. I made great friends who I will miss this winter.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Congratulations! Your hard work and enthusiasm were bound to pay off sooner or later ... 1st step on the way to becoming a great C1W boater! Sorry you'll miss your new C1 boating friends, but you can always hang with us MWA lot on the St. Will be good to boat with you again perhaps.